CMWeb - Internet Creations & Solutions. - About Us

About Us

License Agreement












History Notes

What the reason is ...

The reason that this website exists, as well as the other ones that are being published on the internet are for the fact of; free software and distributions. Some software that is distributed, published or allowed be used that may be designed for various reasons, should be free. Don't get the concept of "free" fool you, there are, or should be things that have some sort of cost for it's use, or something else.

What's used for code?

The code that are used in the applications actually range. From Unix/Linux C, ANSI C and of that such, towards the Microsoft systems, C, C++, ANSI C, Visual C++, and such. I myself, don't have much knowledge in each, so this is basically a small-hobby for myself. Although, I wouldn't mind extra help from others. (Yes, I'll even put it on these pages, with credits given.)

Is the source code available?

Yes, and no. It actually depends mostly on the application, and what arises from it. The use, misuse, average, code, and other stuff, which will determin if it will be released as code, or binary. (or both.)

Are their mirror sites?

Of this website? Not really. This site is a whole new page made strictly for these programs. Although, their is a main website, along with other pages that I myself tinker around with, and have for my own usage, as well as everyone elses use. You can check these out for yourself, if you wish to do so:

What's in store for the future?

Nothing really yet. I would although like, if people were to join in, and help out with developing software and of that such, for various things. The only thing that I ask, is that you have experience in programming, atleast more then what I myself litterly know. And maybe exchange ideas, thoughts and of that such. You can contact me though the contact forum on this site, I normally will respond back within a a hour or more.

Can I get my own program added, or linked to this page?

Yes, infact you can. I will post a link directly to your page, with your express permission. I will also mirror some programs on these pages, but I will not gaurantee that I will mirror everyone's, as the space on these pages are needed for other various things. - It's a limit on how much I will mirror.

Why, is the license agreement the way it is?

The license agreement is for several reasons, the way it currently is. A few to really name currently are;

  1. For programs that have no license agreement already set.
  2. For people who are looking for a license agreement for their own.
  3. Incase a license already exists in the application, the main one is automatically (VOID), so no possible conflicts arise.
Of course, a few may not of been mentioned, but are not really of need. If you have your own ideas, go ahead and implement them. The license is for grabs. You can use the license agreement in your own programs, but you must modify them for your own information, company, and such before you can actually use the agreement. The license can be used on your own website, or on here if I do mirror your software. Anywhere really, enjoy! :)